Tuesday, October 3, 2017


With the media still ablaze with stories about the Las Vegas Massacre, it's no wonder we might tend to feel the urge for vengeance...in some form. The shooter is already dead, so anger is then directed against guns, stricter laws, more control.  There is truth here.  But again, what has contributed to the flagrant disregard for the commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" instituted thousands of years ago to combat the flagrant killing in those "primitive times"?  It is toward a discovery and understanding of this symptom of our "sickness" that we should redirect our desire for vengeance.  Violence is on the increase, and it certainly does not arise from hearts that are at peace.  Rather, the lack of peace, the lack of "tranquility of order", as peace is defined, is one of the foundation stones of this  disturbing disregard for the dignity of life and the right to life, we thought we all shared in this country which so proudly displays our Bill of Rights for the world to emulate.  Peace begins in the hearts of each one of us.  Let us pray for it.
Almighty and merciful God, we ask for your grace to support our brothers and sisters who have suffered from the violence in Las Vegas. Welcome to eternal life all who died in the attack, give strength to those who were wounded, and comfort all who mourn. We pray for the day when the senseless violence that has plagued this nation for so long ends for good. Until then, make us instruments of your peace. Amen (Fr. Tim Mouton, CSC_

Bro. Rene

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