Besides the familiar major marial feasts, there are other "lesser" celebrations in local areas around the globe. June 27th is the memorial of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, an important feast with the Redemptorists and Redemptorestines. We might be familiar with the icon, but may not realize that it is Our Lady of Perpetual Help. We might also have never noticed that one of Jesus' sandals is barely hanging on his foot by the strap. The story goes that when he as a child heard of his eventual passion and death, he was so frightened that he rans as fast as he could to his mother, nearly losing his sandal. Hel lept into her armas and from her faith, stabiity and strength was abke to 'face and accept the inevitable suffering.' Mary again sands as the strong, abiding mother to whom St. Marcellin had similar recourse, and many Christians throughout the centuries.
In today's first reading from Genesis, we read of Abraham's faith...he believed in the impossible promise that although old and childless he would become the father of countless descendents. We might ponder today where our faith stands, and if we find it weak, can we run to Mary to strengtgeb ut?
Bro. Rene
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