Saturday, February 4, 2017

Choosing To Be Merciful

When the apostles returned to Jesus to report all they had done and taught, Jesus rightly invited them to come with him to a deserted place where they might all rest; it was time, and they deserved it after constantly being "on the go." The got into their boat and headed for the opposite shore.  However, the throngs of people saw where they were headed and walked on foot to meet them there.  "No rest for the weary." Jesus, moved with pity, chose to teach them instead of taking his needed rest. (Cf. Mk 6: 39-34),  It was his call, his choice to be merciful, trusting that the time for rest would come eventually.
We get so tied up in our work, the demands of family, friends, and "things to do" that we often find ourselves facing the same choice:  to push ahead and respond to these demands, or to take our needed rest.  There's no denying the real need for this rest, and we do "owe it to ourselves" to take it, but we can also choose, as Jesus did, to put it off and let mercy override our justified need.  May the example of Jesus be our guide
Bro. Rene
NB.  Today we registered 100, 500 page views since these slices first appeared in 2009.  Praise be to God.

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