Saturday, October 29, 2016

Totus Tuus

St. John Paul II, noted for his devotion to Mary, chose as his papal motto, Totus Tuus, (Totally Yours),  St, Louis de Montfort, centuries earlier, was also a proponent of totally entrusting his prayers and good works to the Virgin Mary.  Marist's proudly proclaim,  All to Jesus through Mary; all to Mary for Jesus.  We thus honor her not only as his Mother, but as his First Disciple who gave herself entirely to him. In becoming his Mother, but in following him all his life in a discipleship of faith, trust and total commitment.  She now leads the way for us to follow in her footsteps in that same faith, trust and commitment.  No matter what our place in life, we can imitate her faith, trust, humility and fidelity and, by our example, lead others to do the same.  It is time for "Mary's Way" to be adopted and spread to a generation who are in search for models to imitate and for connections to what (who)  makes life meaningful and satisfies their hunger and thirst for Truth. Mary is the door to Jesus and awaits our willingness to let her open it by giving ourselves totally to her.
Bro. Rene

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