Monday, November 30, 2015

Advent Model

As we begin this first week of Advent, the Church fittingly celebrates the life and ministry of St. Andrew, the first to respond to the call of Jesus (along with an unnamed disciple of John.  See Jn 1:39).  Later, Andrew told his brother, Peter, that they had found the Messiah, and took Peter to meet him. We also learn that when Jesus passed by their fishing boat, he beckoned them to come and follow him.  They dropped their nets and followed.  Andrew continues to BE THERE as the liason, the man Jesus calls upon for help...he comes up with the loaves and fishes, for example when Jesus asks about feeding the multitude. It seems that his whole life was one of such service to either Jesus, and after his death, the message and mission of Jesus.  He evidently evangelized in Greece and Russia, and is the patron of those countries along with Scotland, where his relics were transported. (Others are located in  Amalfi, Italy.
Andrew serves as a model for us in being so quick to respond to Jesus, to leave all to follow him, and to be his "right hand" in the details of his ministry.  Can we leave behind the busyness of our pre-Christmas days; can we ignore the pressures the media put on us to shop and spend so far ahead of Christmas?  Can we take advantage of the invitation to "Come and see."  and spend time, with Jesus, time that is, no doubt, more worthwhile than bargain hunting at the mall or on the web?
Bro. Rene

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