Sunday, September 27, 2015

Grace For Everyone

Today's Gospel from Mark 9: 38-48 includes the incident when John reported to Jesus that a stranger was casting out devils in his name and that he and the other Apostles had tried to stop him because he was not "one of them."  Jesus reproached them and told them not to prevent him from doing good work.  The important thing then and now is that grace reaches the hearts of everyone.
Pope Francis has dominated the headlines and TV news for this whole week with a message that is not just for Catholics, but for everyone.  His tender, compassionate and yet direct manner has indeed touched the hearts of most people, even the "nones" (those who have no religious affiliation).  In the manner of Jesus, he reaches out to all and helps us to see clearly what the message of Christ is like when lived authentically and around the clock.  He has made us aware of the blessings we enjoy and the shortcomings we need to correct.  He has a great gift for seeing the good in others and for calling us to gratitude, hope and joy.  As Jesus told the Apostles not to be exclusive, we see our Pope giving the same message.  May we heed it and make it part of our lives.
Bro. Rene

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