Monday, September 22, 2014

St. Maurice and the Theban Legion

Most of us know little about this horrific tale of slaughter which took place around the year 287 in Switzerland at the order of Emperor Maximian Heruclius.  When Maurice and his six thousand legionnaires refused to offer sacrifice to the gods before an ensuing battle, they were all slaughtered.  We are appalled at the beheadings that we've witnessed at the hands of ISIS, but imagine six thousand men being beheaded or stabbed to death!  How strong must have been their faith!  It is said that Maurice continued to encourage his men to remain faithful until his own death.
We face our own temptations and failures with much less courage than Maurice and his companions.  We let our lives become muddled with self-pity, self-hatred, and despair, especially when we can't seem to change a pattern of behavior, or find a way of living that will give us peace.  We spin ourselves into a deeper rut, further and further away from the loving kindness and forgiveness of God.  We slaughter ourselves with our lack of trust in God.  Through the intercession of St. Maurice and the six thousand members of his Theban Legion, may we find the strength to stand up to the Tempter, and allow Jesus to forgive, heal and save us.
Bro. Rene

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