Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Abundant Sower

The Sower went out to sow his seed...we never know how much, but knowing that the Sower is our loving Lord, we can imagine that the supply is limitless...He lavishes it on the thorns, on the hard ground, over the shallow beds and on the deep fertile ground.  He just keeps throwing.  What an image for us who might want to "be careful" "not waste", "make sure"...
Not when it comes to love.  That just comes in endless abundance.
A story of Pope Francis might help illustrate his interpretation of the parable and of how we should live out Christian lives.  When he was Cardinal of Buenos Aires, he would walk once a week through the Barrios, the very poor neighborhoods.  People flocked all around him in the narrow alleys.  Children would be in front of him and behind him.  At some point, he'd come across a card table set up as an altar ready for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  Right there, in the dirty alleys among the poorest of the poor, he would celebrate Mass and distribute Holy Communion to All, not asking the questions about their current marriage status, or even their membership in the Catholic Church.  His philosophy was that they were hungering for Christ and that He who came for the salvation of ALL would want him to sow and distribute as described in the parable.  We sing a hymn at Mass:  "All are welcome, all are welcome at this feast."  We might look into our hearts today to see if they are welcoming hearts, if they are loving hearts, ready to cast love everywhere and on everyone.  Let us pray that the spirit of the Sower find deep roots within us.
Bro. Rene

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