Sunday, February 10, 2013

Putting Out Into the Deep

St. Luke gives us a story that has fascinated spiritual writers and artists for centuries:  Jesus teaching from Peter's fishing boat, and then commanding the tired fishermen, who had labored in vain all night, to "put out into deep waters and lower their nets," (Lk 5:4) this time loading them to the breaking point.  Blessed Pope John Paul 'II wrote, "The first condition for 'putting out the the deep' is to cultivate a deep spirit of prayer nourished by a daily listening to the Word of God.  The authenticity of the Christian life is measured by the depth of one's prayer.... Whoever opens his heart to Christ will...understand the mystery of his own existence...he will bear the abundant fruit of grace." (Magnificat, February, pp. 131-132). Peter and companions had Jesus right there with them, but protesting with human logic, they initially, as we all would, hesitated, but somehow overcame their doubt and did as he said, reaping a bountiful catch.  We could say that at least once a day, we are asked to "put out into the deep"...step into some unknown, unfamiliar place, take on something we've never done before, go beyond our comfort zone, or confront a threatening situation.  Several times during our lives we might be asked to do something really big, or really demanding.  We cannot do this without Jesus, without the deep relationship that comes with the prayer of being with Jesus and listening to him on a regular basis, as Blessed John Paul suggests.  Today, again limited as we are because of the blizzard and its after-effects, and in the upcoming days of Lent, we might make a major effort to deepen our prayer and be ready to "put out into the deep."
Bro. Rene

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