Thursday, July 26, 2012

Family Matters

Due to a very slow and tempromental computer, I was not able to post this on Thursday, but thought that this second attempt would be applicable on any day.

As we celebrate the Memorial of Sts. Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus, we might reflect on the qualities that gave Mary her faith and bold willingness to accept what must have seemed the wildest challenge ever: to become the Mother of God.  Perhaps not knowing the full implications of this invitation at first, she would have known that she'd have to announce a pregnancy prior to wedlock to her parents as well as to Joseph.  We know of his consternation and sleeplessness nights at this news, and can only imagine what these pious parents went through. Faith in God's boundless love eventually bound them all together in acceptance and mutual support.  Family mattered, and this family matter, as difficult at it might have been to accept, did not destroy but brought family even closer.  Family structure was strong and capable of keeping on course no matter how fierce the winds of challenge blew.
To be part of such a family is a real blesssing, a gift.  If our families share in even some of the strength of Anne and Joachim's, then there is much for which to offer thanks, and if not, much for which to pray.
Bro. Rene

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