Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mary Visits Her Cousin Elizabeth

The Feast of the Visitation is more than just a visit between two cousins, both carrying sons, it is an encounter that carries a "message". Mary brings the Son of God to her cousin Elizabeth, and the baby in her womb, John the Baptist, leaps for joy in recognizing that the redemption of all of us is at hand. God's Presence, his dwelling place among us in the flesh, is a reality. Elizabeth and the unborn John are the first to recognize and rejoice in it. Two thousand years later, that same Presence is among us, giving us equal cause for joy and for joining Mary in her song of praise and thanksgiving, What wonders God has worked throughout the world; all generations have shared the greateness of God's love. When God looked on Mary, the lowly servant, God raised her to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the savior of us all. (cf. Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary II; Luke 1: 46-55).
The Visitation reminds us of our Marist Mission to bring all to Jesus through Mary and to make him known and loved. While specific religious groups, such as the Sisters of the Visitation, have this Feast as the basis of their spirituality, others, such as the Congregation of Notre Dame, also focus on it as the model of their ministry. As Marists, although not specifically stated, we adhere to it and live it by our fidelity to our Marial spirituality. May our dealings with each other be more than just random, cursory encounters, but opportunities to reach a deeper level such as that between Mary and Elizabeth and convey the "message" that indeed, God is With us.
Bro. Rene

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