Monday, June 18, 2018

Deliver Us From Evil

We might be appalled at the tales of corruption, lies and hatred that fill our headlines and news broadcasts, but they are not new.  Greed for wealth and power go back to the dawn of humanity.  In this morning's first reading from the First Book of Kings, (1 Kgs 21:1-16), we hear the story of King Ahab's desire for his neighbor, Naboth's vineyard, and his cunning wife, Jezebel's treachery to have Naboth accused falsely of having cursed God, and therefore stoned to death, freeing up his vineyard to fall into Ahab's greedy hands.  Our stomach's grind at such evil.
William Shakespeare presents another example of pride, power-seeking, deceit and dishonor in his moving Richard II.  Yet, in all of us there is a Jezebel, Richard, and Bolingbrook. That's why we pray daily in the Lord's prayer, "deliver us from evil."  God alone can squelch the tide that lurks deep within.  Jesus has overcome evil by his resurrection and has given us the victory, his victory, over the powers of darkness.
Bro. Rene

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