Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Being Salt and Light

The familiar images of salt and light season our daily liturgy and the day that lies before us. (cf. Mt 5:13-16). Do we have to be miracle workers as Elijah who multiplied the flour and oil of the widow of Zarephath to bring our light (God's light) to others?  As uncanny as it sounds, our mere presence can lift the burden of a heavy heart in the service man who is changing our oil, or the woman punching the register at the checkout line of our grocery store. A word, even a God Bless You spoken in our politically correct world, can be the salt that stimulates a prayer of needed acknowledgement of God in people who haven't thought of him recently, or who are on the boarder-line of losing faith or hope.  The joy, the hope, the light that shines from within (God's gift) despite our own struggles is a gift "as easy as pie" we can give without even knowing it.  We are light, we are salt' May we never forget it!
Bro. Rene 

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