Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"The Better Part"

We join Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary this morning and see Martha busy with many tasks, and Mary simply listening to Jesus.  (Lk 10: 38-42).  At Martha's complaint, Jesus tells her (and us) that being distracted, multi-tasking, as we would say today, is not what life is about, but it is as Mary is doing, being quiet in the presence of Jesus, hearing his word, learning who we ARE and how we relate to him: this is the better part.
When days get so full that we begin to forget where we put things, or don't have time to return calls or e-mails, we might as well be in the kitchen with Martha, slinging pots and pans around, trying frantically to put supper on the table.  Being fragmented, a slave to work and the demands of other people, is not the ideal way to satisfy the longing for peace and union with God that harbors deep within us.  Saying NO more frequently so that we might have a bit more time to sit quietly and hear Jesus speaking within us will help us to become who we are meant to be.  Our worth is measured not by what we DO, but by who we ARE.
Bro. Rene

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