Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mercy Changes the World

Besides being the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, today the Catholic Church observes World Mission Sunday.  It is also the Optional Memorial of St. John Paul II.  The theme for Mission Sunday is, "Mercy Changes The World." a concept close to the heart of Pope Francis. St. John Paul II, with over 100 trips around the world, and with his personal charisma, was a powerful evangelizer.  It is fitting that his Memorial falls on this day.
 The Church is expanding rapidly in "Mission Countries", Africa, Asia, the South Pacific and Central America; prayers and fiances are requested throughout the world to help support these new missions. The Marist Brothers work untiringly and creatively in these areas and are supported by generous contributions from our summer Mission Appeal talks in various dioceses of the United States.  Requesting prayers for our missionaries is always part of our appeal, so today,  with an emphasis on mercy, might we pray that we ourselves become more merciful. and  that those "in the field" be blessed with the gifts of patience and fortitude to  meet the relentless demands for mercy among the people of these missionary parishes.  May we also pray for more vocations to fill the ever-increasing  pastoral and educational needs in these mission countries. "Mercy Changes the World."
Bro. Rene

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