Saturday, May 21, 2016

Who Can Enter the Kingdom?

This morning's Gospel presents two sides of indignant Jesus who rebukes the disciples for shooing children away from him, and a tender Jesus who tenderly welcomes and blesses them.  In the end, the children win, for Jesus holds them up as the key to entrance into the Kingdom of God:  "I say to you, however does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." (Mk 10: 16).  What does it mean to accept it like a child?  Look at children:  affectionate, loving, spontaneous, creative, fun-loving, trusting, forgiving, imaginative, filled with wonder and simplicity, sensitive, pure of heart.  Do we adults still have these qualities? Is this how we embrace the teachings and mission of Jesus?   If not, he just might become indignant, rebuke us and insist strongly that we "get with it" and resurrect the child within or else be exiled from the Kingdom.
Bro. Rene

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