Saturday, November 14, 2015

Without Becoming Weary

In the light of the horrific attacks in Paris, we might wonder if our prayers for peace and an end of violence are ever heard. But events such as this should provoke us to "pray always without becoming weary" (Lk 18:1), as Jesus illustrated with the parable of the widow and the reluctant judge. (Lk 18: 1-9). Mary herself pondered the events in her life and that pondering became her prayer more and more for God's will, not hers to be done.  Everywhere we go, we hear of great needs, horrible suffering, cold indifference, some sort of bullying, be it racial slurs, political bias, or actual statements of hate.  Turmoil within leads to words and acts of violence.   Ceasing to pray because evil is so prevalent or doesn't SEEM to work is not the answer.  Yes, it is wearisome to pray for the same people and the same things over and over, but as the parable illustrates as does Mary's life, that eventually our prayers are answered, usually in ways that are better than we ever expected or asked for. Dear God, help me to continue to pray always without becoming weary.
Bro. Rene 

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