Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Holy Kiss

In closing his longest epistle (Romans), St. Paul lists a number of people who are close friends and to  whom sends a "holy kiss".  ( Cf. Rm 16: 16).  His affection runs deep and he's not afraid to express it.
How pleasant the world would be if we greeted one another with a "holy kiss":  an act or word of kindness.  We are often pre-occupied with the day's agenda, or worried about something to the point that we don't even say "good morning" to our family as we hastily fix breakfast and dash to the car, bemoaning the traffic all the way to work.  We enter our place of employment like a bear, and set the tone for a very stressful and unhappy day.  Time to say, "whoa"...what am I doing?  Is this the way to treat people whom God loves, and in whom God dwells?  A smile, a warm greeting would make a difference to those we live with and work with.  If Paul, who can be so caustic and sarcastic can express his affection with a "holy kiss" (and he shows it even more through his travels, beatings, bearing with criticism and tears), cant' we?  From this moment on, let's greet one another with "a holy kiss."
Bro. Rene

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