Friday, August 28, 2015

Wandering Youth

It's sad, if not frightening, to read about the defection of thousands of "Millennials" from the Faith of their Fathers, Mothers, or maybe we should say, Grandfathers and Grandmothers.  A Poll in May revealed a growing number of "Nones" to the question: "To which denomination do you associate yourself?"  Alternatives are sought, offered, ranging from poetry readying to just sitting.  As we look on, we experience the sadness of Monica as she watched her Augustine swept away by the tide of his day.  She prayed and shed tears, and finally, his search for truth led him to discover THE TRUTH.  "Oh late have I loved, thee, O Beauty Everlasting."  With his passion for truth now rightly directed, he made a huge difference in our world through his writings and sermons.  We might liken todays Millennials to the wandering Augustine who will someday arrive at the Truth and pursuit it with a passion that would bring a smile to the faces of their grandparents.  They may not see this now, as neither did Augustine in his youth, but with our Monica prayers and faith, it will happen.
Bro. Rene
Note:  I will not have internet access Saturday and Sunday, so there will be no slice of bread offered then.

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