Sunday, December 14, 2014

Rejoicing Always

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near." (Phil 4:4-5).  We'd like to do this, and sometimes it is very easy.  For the sixth year, The Hatherly Players, a talented local group of friends presented a delightful Christmas Concert entitled "Stepping into Christmas" last night at the Methuen Memorial Music Hall.  Not only do they fill the hall and our hearts with joy, but they donate all the proceeds along with the toys that people bring, to charity, having raised over $10,000.00 so far.  There is much cause for rejoicing in this and in so many other good deeds being done this Advent.
But, since we can't always be going to such concerts or raising funds to help the needy, how can we sustain such rejoicing?  The real meaning of rejoicing is "to find your source of joy and express your thanks."  If that Source is Jesus, then we can rejoice always.   John the Baptist, despite the good he was doing in attracting to many to repentance, pointed to Jesus as the ONE who would baptize with the Spirit and fulfill the promises of the prophets.  If Jesus is at the center of our lives, joy, deep within us, will always be there. Without Jesus, all the shopping, baking, gift-giving, etc. are meaningless. Let us rejoice today and in the remaining time of Advent in the Source of all joy, Jesus Christ, our Savior and God.
Bro .Rene 

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