Sunday, September 21, 2014

Unbounded Generosity

Today's Gospel parable of the landowner who hires workers at different times of the day and pays all equally has raised eyebrows and caused heated discussions since Jesus first presented it.   Why didn't those who worked all day receive more than those who were worked only one hour?  Business logic would certainly stand on their side.  But again, we are not dealing with human logic, but with the "logic" of God which does not always fit into ours.   No one can measure God's generosity; where would we be if he were not abundantly forgiving and generous to us?  What have we done to merit the countless blessings we receive each day?  This parable is not about human justice or just wages, but about the unbounded generosity of God which invites us, challenges us to do likewise.
Bro. Rene

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