Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Todays' first reading from the prophet Hosea is a scathing attack on the sin of idolatry.  Nothing new under the sun.  In those days it ranged from the establishment of a kingdom to the actual erection of gold and silver statues of false Gods.  The Jews wandering in the desert, made a golden calf hundreds of years earlier than Hosea; they were punished, but the lesson, evidently was not learned, "There shall be no false gods." (cf Ex 20: 3-4).  Today, in more subtle forms, idols continue to creep back into our lives.   Ambitions, dreams of wealth, power, and unlicensed "freedom" over-the top adulation given to entertainment celebrities and athletes,  Stadiums are the new temples, sports the new god.  Witness our nearly empty churches on Sunday mornings and huge gatherings at the athletic complex.  There is no Hosea to cry out against today's idolatry as there was even in the 30's 40's and 50's with Fr. Coughlin and Bishop Sheen.  Pope Francis is stepping into their shoes as he minces no words against the sins of our times. May we look into our own hearts, find the idols there, and cast them out; then give our support to Pope Francis and others who will follow his lead. Perhaps we can even step up to this need.  There's a long road ahead, but ignoring our problems will only make them worse.
Bro. Rene

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