Thursday, July 24, 2014

God's Mercy

"O Lord, your mercy reaches to heaven;/ your faithfulness to the clouds." (Ps 36: 1). We need to repeat this over and over to remind ourselves that there is no end to God's love, care and forgiveness, his tender mercy toward us who continually find ourselves in or create circumstances where only the mercy of God can help us. The recent hit movie, "Heaven is for Real" gives a dramatic example of how prayers for God's mercy and healing were answered. Young Colton Prebo's abdomen was full of infection after his burst appendix was removed but the prayers of the congregation moved God to mercy and Colton recovered overnight, much to the amazement of the doctors.
Each day when we awake, we experience the mercy of God who has brought us through another night and given us another day of surprises and opportunities to receive his mercy. At Mass we pray three times for this mercy; the words can become rote, but if said from the heart, they become a prayer that puts us in touch with the merciful heart of God. "Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy!"
Bro. Rene

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