Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Born Needing Christ

"O happy fault" the deacon chants during the Exultet at the Easter Vigil. Yes, as a result of Original Sin, we are born needing Christ, and it is this need that DRIVES us toward him. He is the only one who can fulfill that need, supply our weakness and give us the strength we need to fulfill our life's purpose.
It's amazing how in story after story of the lives of saints that this becomes apparent.
Today, we remember St. Bridget of Sweden, born of pious parents in 1303, wedded at 13, mother of 8 children and later founder of the Most Holy Savior, or Bridgetines. Her husband, Ulf, must have been a special man, for after the birth of their last child, Catherine, now known as St. Catherine of Sweden, he and Bridget took a vow of celibacy and later, he entered a Cistercian monastery, where he died a year later. Was it not the need for a deeper union with Christ that drove them up these extraordinary steps to sanctity? How far can we be taken if we pay attention to our need of Christ and allow him to fill it?
Bro. Rene

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