Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sent Forth

The Great Solemnity of Pentecost brings us to the climax of a cycle which began on Good Friday, and continued through Easter, the 40 days, The Ascension, and now, Pentecost.  We cannot fathom the depth of this feast, for at it is the heart of God's indescribable love for us. So great is that love, that he sends us forth, fortified by the Holy Spirit, with the mission of continuing the presence and work of Jesus in our world. A formidable task as the headlines of chaos and violence these past few days demonstrate.  The Power of the Holy Spirit is the only force which can subdue the power of Evil, and we must be the instruments of God to accomplish this. When the tongues of fire appeared over the gathered Apostles, they lost all fear, flung open the doors, preached dramatically and emphatically, and on this day converted thousands.  Come, Holy Spirit, enable us to do what seems impossible!
Bro. Rene

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