Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Power of Prayer

Today's readings underscore the amazing power of prayer.  The parents of Samuel, Elkanah and Hannah, prayed, made pilgrimages, and offered sacrifices so that they might have a child.  Eventually, God  responded to those efforts and Hannah gave birth to a boy who became the leader and prophet, Samuel.  Early in his ministry, according to St. Mark, Jesus cast out an unclean spirit even without the possessed  man's prayer.  Jesus saw his distress and acted immediately. 
We might grow discourage or impatient because our prayers are not answered right away, but we can be sure that the God who created the universe, is aware of our situation, and will act in our best interest in his own time. Sometimes the answer we seek  just "pops up" without even the offering of a prayer.   Mark noted that Jesus taught with authority.  Evidently, he acted with authority as well.  Our faith needs to be stronger and we need to be more trusting and patient, for God sees and knows our needs better than we do.
Bro.  Rene

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