Monday, October 9, 2017

Jonah and the Good Samaritan

Today' readings provide two opposites: One man runs away from his mission, the other, literally bends over backwards to help a person in need.  God has to show Jonah rather dramatically by a near ship wreck and three days and nights in the belly of a large fish that he'd better get back on track and do what he had been commanded to do.  The Samaritan, on the other hand, needs no prodding.  He simply sees the need and attends to it with compassion, and generosity, interrupting his own journey, spending his own money and taking time, even on his return, to make sure this stranger is on the mend. 
How much of Jonah, and how much of this Good Samaritan do we harbor within us?  If we lean more towards Jonah, then today is a wake up call, before our ship is wrecked to change our course and follow in the footsteps of the unnamed, but now immortalized, Good Samaritan.  Starting with "little things", what can I do to respond with generosity of time and treasure to help the "victim" who might be wounded in the ditch as I pass by?
Bro. Rene

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