Sunday, August 6, 2017

Living Out The Transfiguration

In today's Gospel we see Jesus in garments shining like the sun and conversing very naturally with Moses and Elijah, an awesome trio and scene. Then the VOICE"  "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; listen to him." (Mt 17:5). Dumbfounded, Peter, James and John  fell prostrate; yes it was good for them to be there, and yes, perhaps setting up three tents would make sense. But it was not the sense Jesus had in mind, and as they came down from the mountain, he told them to keep this a secret until he had risen from the dead.  No doubt they did not "get" this last part; it became clear only later, but this would be a boost to them when they saw their world torn apart by the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus.  Tabor perhaps helped soothe their bruises, but it was only on the Third Day that the "rising from the dead" clicked.  He meant it; he certainly was God!
We sometimes have Tabor moments but it is the living out of them through life's surprises, disappointments, challenges and pain that we fully experience our transformation.  Do we handle these with faith, trust and steadfast love of the ONE who brought us to the Mountain?   We need to nurture our Tabor moments by recalling them daily, by spending time in a "tent" with Jesus, and gazing upon his awesome, powerful, shining,loving Presence.
Bro. Rene

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