Saturday, April 1, 2017

Seeing Clearly Through The Clouds

Confusion and division reigned over the question of the place of origin, the native town, of Jesus.  Was it Nazareth of Galilee or Bethlehem?  No thought was even considered of his heavenly origin, for that was yet too far-fetched for anyone, especially the chief priests and Pharisees.  It's as if Jesus were speaking in a cloud, a cloud of misunderstanding. The ensuing argument could reach no conclusion, and despite the effort of Nicodemus to bring reason to the discussion, each went to his own house. (Cf. Jn 7: 40-53).
So often in our discussions and expression of differing opinions, we arrive at an impasse, and desiring not to pursue the topic any further, we withdraw to the safety of our own group of like-minded friends or familly.  Perhaps we don't recognize the narrowness of our opinions, or the extent of our bias; perhaps  we are operating in a cloud and cannot see clearly.  As we seek purification during Lent, this might be an area for examination and reflection as well as for prayer for clarity of vision and true openness of heart and opinion.
Bro. Rene

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