Saturday, April 8, 2017

Better To Sacrifice One Man

As we approach Palm Sunday, the plot against Jesus becomes clearer:  "it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish." (Jn 11:50). The rationale was presented and accepted. "So from that day on they planned to kill him." (Jn 11: 53).
By the end of the week the plan would be accomplished and the prophecy of Caiaphas, fulfilled.
But this was really why God sent Jesus to us, to die for our sins and open the door to new and everlasting life.  His suffering and death were mandated by the Father and Jesus accepted this "mission impossible."
This path becomes the model for our lives, so filled it seems, with pointless and endless suffering.  Everywhere we turn, every word we hear, always seems to have an element of pain and suffering attached.  We wonder why.  The answer is that it all leads to our eventual reunion with God, our Creator, and Jesus leads the way.  He walked these same steps of suffering and death to rise victorious, and so shall we. Indeed, the sacrifice of one man has saved more than a nation, it has saved us all!
Bro. .Rene

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