Thursday, January 12, 2017

Reaching Out For Help And To Help

St. Mark give us the story of a leper who approached Jesus, begging for a cure.  Jesus was moved with pity and said, "I will do it.  Be made clean." (Mk 1:41) (Two memorable words in Latin:"Volo, Mundare."--good to repeat often, especially when we are helping others).  The direct approach of the leper moved Jesus to pity. May it move us to ACTION.
We celebrate as well, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, the first Canadian Saint, a missionary from France, who when 20 was touched by a glance from a statue of Mary that changed her life.  She became a Sister of Notre Dame and later traveled to Canada to tend to the children of the colonists in "New France." Quickly realizing that cloistered life would not help serve the children, both of the colonists and natives, she worked to establish a non-cloistered group of sisters, which became the Congregation of Notre Dame. She founded schools and established several communities to help children learn both spiritual truths and practical skills.  She and her sisters reached out beyond the confines of the cloister to help, to be of service.
Following her example, we might look for ways we can extend ourselves beyond the normal confines of our daily routine in order to provide help where it is needed.
Bro Rene

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