Thursday, September 22, 2016

Vanity of Vanities

Today we begin the Book of Ecclesiastes. a mouthful for many lectors, and are hit from the first word from the pen of Qoheleth's  (another mouthful!):  Vanity.  He goes on to explain: " All things are vanity!" (Eccl1:2) and the rest of his book expands this notion, leaving us with an empty feeling from his negative view of life until the final words of the Epilogue:  "Fear God and keep his commandments for this is man's all; because God will bring to judgment every work, with all its hidden qualities, whether good or bad." (Eccl  12:  13b-14).  Whew, there is hope, there is an invitation to look for the good side of life (even if it be hidden at first).
We need to take a realistic view of life, even if it might lean toward the pessimistic, but at the same time, looking for the good behind all is a valid approach too, and more life-giving.  As St. Paul tells us in Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Through prayer, faith, and conversation with people we trust, we can come to see that good and not be saddled by the vanity and the pursuit of that which fails to satisfy we experience in the world around us.
Bro. Rene

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