Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Enormity of God's Love

(Note: Not sure when this will appear...Took a long time to connect to the Internet at the Marist Brothers' Residence in Wheeling, WV, but finally made it and hope to be back on schedule tomorrow. Sorry for not warning you ahead of time, but when I heard the Brothers now have Wi-Fi, I didn't think there would be a problem...but there was a glitch with the straightened out.)

Fans of Startrek have to wonder about the size of the universe as the Enterprise continues its five-year mission to explore it and never reaches the border. It just goes on an on. Put this fictional account together with what the Hubble telescope has shown us and what its replacement will further reveal and connect it to the Psalmist who reminds us in Ps 104 about Creation and its Creator who holds the whole shebang in the palm of his hand. And not only that, but knows the number of hairs on our head and the number of sparrows who fly randomly over the numberless acres on this planet. And God's love exceeds all of this! We cannot measure it nor exhaust it....It is infinite! This alone is motive enough for our gratitude, for our trust and hope, but even more "awesome" is the miracle of love that binds a couple in marriage and brings forth new life. Humbling indeed, it is to reflect on this, as well as to lead us to praise and thanksgiving.
Bro. Rene

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