Monday, August 8, 2016

Setting the Word Ablaze

St. Dominic, whose Memorial we observe today, lived in an era when the Albigensian heresy was rampant and causing much turmoil in France. His own preaching, along with his fellow preachers of the Order he founded--the Order of Preachers-- was a major force in containing the heresy and restoring orthodoxy. He attributes his success to the power of prayer, adopting the formula: "To contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation."
In our own day of global and national turmoil, turning to prayer will give us the solution, as simplistic as it might seem, for it is the tool that nothing can refute. Spending time with the God who is love, will fill our hearts with a love that will overflow and soften the hearts filed with anger and hate. St. Dominic, pray for us!
Bro. Rene

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