Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Through the Narrow Gate

Again Jesus proposes a path that seems impossible:  the narrow gate the leads to LIFE! He warns us that it is not for all:  "And those who find it are few." (Mt 7:14).  Evidently it is not the "easy way" of the broad road of self-indulgence that eventually leads to destruction, but it seems to demand a self-sacrifice that is especially difficult in our age of convenience and self-indulgence.  St. Marcellin, himself a seeker of the narrow gate, showed us by his imitation of Mary that bringing forth Jesus to youth demands discipline, and a willingness to go the extra mile.  He himself walked the hills of the Pilat region to show his love and support of the brothers and students in the schools of that area.  His dedication to them along with his own fasting put a burden on his body which eventually led to his early death. 
Today we remember another "Apostle of Youth", St. Aloysius Gonzaga, whose prayers, fasting and service to those suffering with the plague took a huge toll on his life, leading to an early death at the age of 23.
So, does the narrow gate mean that we choose self-destruction in order to pass through it?  Not necessarily, but it does mean, with balance, a life of prayer, sacrifice for the sake of others...including Jesus...and service, which often demands so much that it has a built in way of leading us out of the selfishness and self-centeredness that make it impossible to pass through the narrow gate.
Bro. Rene

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