Friday, June 10, 2016

Shock and Awe

As we begin each day  there is a longing for God, conscious or unconscious.  The Psalmist states it directly: "I long to see your face, O Lord." (Ps 27:8b).  We might, like Elijah, expect to find that face in all but the wrong places. He saw it, not in the earthquake nor fire, but in the tiny whisper of the wind. (1 Kgs 19: 13). There is no doubt that in quiet pondering and listening as Mary did, the face, the plan of the Lord becomes visible and brings consolation to our souls and we are in awe at how simple it is to find and experience God. 
But also, as in today's Gospel,at times we need to be shocked into God's presence, God's plan. (cf.  Mt 5:27-32)  Jesus  uses hyperbole, exaggeration, suggesting the cutting off of limbs or the gouging out of eyes in order to startle us into avoiding sin and staying on the path that allows us to see God.  Powerful language, but needed to awaken us from our complacency or from our misguided straying.
Let us join with the Psalmist in this simple prayer to keep us alert: 
Have pity on me, and answer me.
Your presence, O Lord, I seek
Hide not your face from me. (Ps 27
Bro. Rene

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