Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Shining the Light

Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. (Mt 5:14). An invitation and a challenge.  How, when we are stressed or fatigued, besieged on all sides with bad news, distracted beyond reason with enticing stories on the internet, how do we let his light shine?
In speaking of mercy, Venerable Bishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote: "Unless we those something up, nothing will come down; unless there is an action, there can never be a reaction; unless we give, it shall not be given to us; unless we love, not be loved; unless we pardon evil, our evil shall no be forgiven; unless we are merciful to others, God cannot be merciful to us." (quoted in Magnificat, June, p, 90).  To continue this eloquent quote, we might add, perhaps less eloquently, unless we cast off the bushel basket of fatigue, stress and distraction, our light cannot shine.  If we prefer that darkness prevail, we allow ourselves to succumb to these pressures. If we think of those who need our light, we will find the strength that comes from Jesus to let it shine, for it is really his light, not ours that ic effective.
Bro. Rene

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