Sunday, June 26, 2016

Plowing Forward

When Jesus said, "No one who set a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind him is fit for the kingdom of God", (Lk 9:62) he was referring to those plows either pulled by an ox or even worse, simply pushed by the plowman.  Hard work demanding enormous concentration.  There might be a touch of hyperbole here as well, for we know that try as we might, whatever the "plow" we are using, there do come times to stop, look back and evaluate before moving on in one direction or another.  Hindsight is part of learning and part of the wisdom gained through experience.  Basically, however, he is right, the notorious "flip-flopping" of politicians is looked upon as a sign of weakness, and certainly, if a Christian flip-flops on moral issues, he or she, indeed, is not fit for the kingdom of God.  This saying of Jesus comes in the context of fidelity, and underscores the need to stay with the plow, even when the ground is rough, dry or hard. We can't say "yes" one moment, and then "no" the next.  Fortitude, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, enables us to continue even when we think we are "done."  We don't like "fair-weather friends," and it seems Jesus doesn't either.
Bro. Rene

Note:  I will be in Mexico, Maine on a service trip with a group of students and teachers from Central Catholic for the next week...Not sure if our lodgings will be wireless equipped.  If you do not receive a slice of daily bread, it's because there is no internet access...Please pray for us that we might keep our noses to our plows this week.  Thank you.

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