Friday, June 24, 2016

God's Call

When we hear the phrase, "God's Call", we most likely consider it to mean the call to the priesthood or religious life, for it has been associated with these vocations for years. True, it is a special calling meant, obviously for a few, but it is also a call to each one of us to take anoher step, one, which might involve risk, demand courage, or lead us to a deeper trust and faith.
When the archangel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah announcing the birth of a son, Zechariah hesitated and was struck mute for his disbelief.  In those nine months of silence, he grew and was ready to take the next step, which he did in a simple way by going against family tradition and naming he boy John.
John, in turn, heard God calling him to a solitary life in the desert until the Spirit moved him to start preaching with vigor and conviction to prepare the way for Jesus.  His zeal converted many, but also made enemies which eventually led to his martyrdom.
His life and message to repent, change and be ready for the coming of Jesus bellow down the ages to us today.  What is God calling me to do with this day, with my family, with my co-workers, with my prayer life, with my talents and gifts?  What leap of faith" am I to take today...and tomorrow and the next day?  Whatever it is, hesitation might result in a muteness that stymies the furtherance of the Kingdom of God whereas a willingness, a yes, will produce results far beyond our wildest imaginations. Look what happened to the characters in the birth of the Baptist story,, including Mary. May we answer our calls with their faith, courage and trust.
Bro. Rene

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