Friday, July 17, 2015

The Potter

The image of God as a potter, which appears in the writings of the prophet Jeremiah (cf. Jer 18: 6) reminds us that it is God who forms us into the person he has in mind when he created us.  Each one of us is different; when finished, each one of us will represent some aspect of our Potter. Making pottery is a long task, requiring patience on the part of both the potter, and the "pot".  After throwing a blob of clay onto the wheel, a long process begins, sometimes ending in apparent failure. The clay, however, can be "thrown" again, and shaped until the desired result is achieved. In order for that to happen, the clay must submit to the knowing hands of the potter; if it is not the right consistency and texture, it will not be able to comply with the design of the potter.  Only when there is harmony between the potter and the clay, will the final product be beautiful and as perfect as it can be.
So with us in the hands of the Potter who is trying to shape us into the perfect, beautiful person he had in mind when he created our "blob" and threw in on the wheel.  In the end, there should be a loving, merciful, happy person, who found his or her  "perfection" in totally submitting to the loving hands of the Potter. When we comply with the "rules" of the Potter who knows best, then we shall be the most beautiful person we can be.  Why do we resist?  Why do we want to have it "MY WAY"?
Bro. Rene

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