Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Lord Feeds Us

We hear of Elisha giving bread from 20 barley loaves to hundreds of people and sure, enough, there were left-overs.   Jesus feeds a large crowd of 5,000 with five barley loaves and two fishes, and twelve baskets of fragments are picked up when they are finished.  (See 2 Kings 4:42-44 and John 6:1-15).  In the psalms, we read of God's desire to fee us with the best of wheat. (Ps 81:17).  We feed weekly on the Bread of Life, the Eucharist, and the Bread of the Word of God is available to us daily. Indeed God feeds us, nourishes our faith, encourages our hope, deepens our love through this "bread", so readily available.  With diminishing numbers of Catholics attending Sunday Mass, where it seems, mainly the elderly whose faith over the long years of their lives has remained constant and as strong as a rock, it is becoming a matter of great concern, that younger Catholics are not taking advantage of this great source of "food for the soul."  It is discouraging to see, and be rebuffed when an attempts is made to bring people back to the Lord's table.   We are left with the challenge of good loving example, and our prayers for them.  Living our faith publicly, boldly, even courageously, along with faith-filled prayer are the tools that can be effective.  It would be nice if we could multiply loaves and fishes, and say, "See, it's for real.  Come and eat." The story needs to be proclaimed and lived.
Bro. Rene

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