Friday, July 31, 2015

Prayer Changes Everything

Friday afternoon, in the office of the Superintendent of Schools in Marshall County, I saw a mug on his shelf with this saying, "Prayer Changes Everything."  He had just been telling me of some "impossible situations"  (broken sewage lines, newly arrived, but damaged windows for a school), and how they suddenly were resolved through prayer, not anything he was able to do.  What was his prayer?   "Lord, I put all these things in your hands; without you I am helpless.  I trust you will take care of them in your way and your time."  And so they were.  This is the prayer God want to of total trust over and beyond everything we can do physically or mentally.
There's no need for worry or fretting, for God is a God who knows the details and is more than happy to take care of them.  We simply need to put them into his hands and let him show us (and the world) how much he cares for us.  In this way prayer does change everything:  needed outcomes, and, more importantly, our deeper faith-filled outlook.
Bro. Rene
Note:  The road trip presses on to Indianapolis Saturday and Sunday...No promises ... we'll see what the Lord provides!

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