Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Keeping It Simple

We celebrate St. Bonaventure, "The Seraphic Doctor," the Second Founder of the Franciscans, a Doctor of the Church, a man of great erudition, but also one who was very "down to earth."  The story goes that when a messenger from the Pope delivered a red cardinal's hat to Bonaventure, he was in the scullery washing dishes; his hands were too greasy to touch the hat, so he told the messenger to hang it on a tree outside until he could clean his hands and dry them.
He made theology palatable by explaining concepts in ordinary and also inspiring language.  He was not a great advocate of harsh penitential practices, but wrote instead:  "Do ordinary things in a perfect way."  This has been repeated through the centuries and comes to us reiterated by Mother Teresa's admonition:  "Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way."  Simple enough?   Extraordinary might mean, not only well done, but with love, in prayerful presence with God.  Even sweeping the floor or writing a letter, we can do that.  We don't have to preach on the street corners, or fast till we faint. Let's offer a word of thanks today to St. Bonaventure for his advice on "keeping it simple."
Bro. Rene

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