Saturday, July 11, 2015

Heartful Listening

St. Benedict, one of the most influential, beloved and imitated of our saints, began his rule with the wise counsel: "Listen to the master's instructions, and attend with the ear of your heart."  The master could be the superior, or God himself.  Listening, seeking, not just intellectually, but with the heart...ah, there's the difference.  For the heart indicates not just  a "head" understanding, but a tender, loving, compassionate response which shows itself in behavior and is integrated into our living and our dealing with others.  Listening needs silence, solitude, and attentiveness.  It's very hard to listen in a noisy world; Benedict and the great saints all found a quiet place for their listening.  Benedictine monasteries even today are places where silence prevails and listening becomes possible just walking down a corridor. These summer days beckon us to find a place in our yards, on our porches, our cars, a chapel or church,  some place where we can escape the ordinary noises and open ourselves to "heartful listening."   Surprises and Blessings  will result.
Bro. Rene

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