Monday, December 1, 2014

Advent's Call For Faith

The first reading of today's Mass from a familiar and beloved chapter from Isaiah, which calls for the beating of swords into ploughshares, a quote which appears on a statue at the UN.  Yes, Advent is a season of peace as we prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace, so this reading is highly appropriate food for meditation and action.  However, the gospel relates the story of the centurion who begged Jesus to heal, not a member of his family, but one of his slaves, a rather startling situation. What does this have to do with Advent?  Reflecting more on this man, we see him as a man who does not let station in life interfere with his love and compassion, and indeed, his faith which brought him to the feet of Jesus for help. Jesus does not shoo away this "pagan" but instead commends him for his faith.  Here is a model for us:  a deeper faith which will put us at the service of ALL, no matter what their social, ethnic, or economic status.  Are we as willing as the centurion to "go out on a limb" for others, even when they are not part of our families, or community?  We don't know the centurion's name, but his deep faith might put us to shame. Is not his example what Advent is about?  May we learn from him how to help others and in so doing bring about peace in our corner of the world.
Bro. Rene

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