Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Narrow Gate

As we move toward the conclusion of our liturgical year, the readings begin to focus on the Judgment we will face at the end of our lives.  May we live in such a way, that God recognizes us and does not greet us with the chilling words, "I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers."  (Lk 13: 27)  Jesus tell us that the way to him is through the narrow gate, that is, within the parameters he has set up for us:  love of God, of neighbor, putting God first, others second, and ourselves third.  It is a matter of doing what he wants, not what we want; it is in actions, good actions, not simply empty words.  It means going against natural inclinations, with self- discipline and control, not simply doing what we feel like doing.  Indeed it is clear that not everyone will pass through this narrow gate.  Let us watch, be vigilant, reflect on our actions and relationships with others, and make the changes necessary to fit through this gate.  These days before and during Advent are designed to help us.  Let us take advantage of them.
Bro. Rene

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