Sunday, October 12, 2014


 Note:  I'm attending my 50th reunion at Marist College and lost track of time this morning, so Sunday's slice of bread appears today, on Monday. as a bonus along with the slice for Columbus Day.

Hospitality in the Near East is still a very special quality with the people of that region.   We read about it in Genesis when the three visitors visit Abraham.  I experienced it when I was in the Holy Land in 1977.  Our taxi driver invited us to his home, seated us in the living room and soon his wife and daughters brought out tea and the most delicious and sweet grapes I've ever had.  All I could think of was "the land flowing with milk and honey."  Another man we stumbled upon near Jericho invited us to tea which he prepared while telling us about his family.  He changed his clothes and served us a delicious mint tea, the likes of which I have not had since.
The readings today speak of this hospitality: Isaiah talks of the mountain top where "the Lord of Hosts will provide for all peoples/ a feast of rich food and choice wines,/ juicy rich food and pure, choice wines."(Is 25 : 6)  Paul tells us that God will provide whatever you need,  and Jesus gives us the parable of the wedding feast, where hospitality overflows.  (Mt 22:1-14).
To refuse any such hospitality is considered a huge insult, or to appear without the proper garment, was worthy of expulsion from the wedding feast.
Our role then is to accept God's daily invitation to his table, to his feast, to whatever he wishes  to give us and enjoy it for it gives him great pleasure to treat us from his magnanimous heart.  We must also remember to be clothed properly, that is with, as Paul admonishes the Colossians, with humility, meekness and patience.
Bro. Rene

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