Thursday, October 16, 2014

For The Love of Jesus

Often we hear the phrase, "For the love of God" or "For the love of Jesus" followed by something like, "Will you keep your mouth shut?" or "Will you do as I say?"  The phrase is one of exasperation and strong emphasis, appealing to one of the most profound realities we can experience, the love of God.
Taken literally and in another context, it explains why St. Margaret Mary Alacoque or St. Hedwig, whose Memorials we keep today, did what they did.  The young St. Margaret Mary loved Jesus so much that she spent hours in prayer with him, to the point where he appeared to her with his heart exposed in flames on his breast to show how much he loved her (us).  This is the now familiar Sacred Heart of Jesus image.  Not only did he want to SHOW his love, but he proposed 12 promises that flowed from this love, one of which being the practice of attending Mass for nine consecutive First Fridays with the guarantee of a happy death.
St. Hedwig loved God so much that even as the mother of seven, and wife of Henry, Duke of Bavaria, she practiced penances along with her prayers, walking barefoot to Mass daily in any kind of weather.  founding monasteries, and later, after Henry's death, joining the one where one of her daughters was Abbess.  She had the gift of miracles even while alive, and more so after her death.
We all have the power to love within us, but for various reasons keep I there instead of letting it out to the public as did these two saints.  Perhaps their example will help us today to take the wrappers off our love, and let it work miracles.
Bro. Rene

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