Thursday, October 23, 2014

Able to Accomplish Far More

It's normal to look at our talents and accomplishments and wish that we were capable of far more.  We're told to accept ourselves as we are and not be too hard on ourselves.  True, but even with that advice we still look for more.  St. Paul told the Ephesians that we can do more. be more, accomplish more, not by our own power, but through HIM who "is able to accomplish far  more than all we ask or imagine by the power a work within us." (Eph 3: 20).  St. Marcellin's life is can certainly attest to this, for he might in today's language be considered "an over-achiever."  He accomplished far more than what seemed to be possible for an under-educated farm boy. His legacy spans 80 countries and millions of students educated in the Marist Tradition.
Today's  Saint,  John of Capistrano also attests to the power of God's grace at work within him. Born in 1385, he was trained in civil and church law, but left this career behind to become a Franciscan friar noted for his powerful preaching.  Later the Holy See tapped his talents to handle some delicate diplomatic situations and, most amazingly, at the age of 70 to lead a crusade against the Turks at Belgrade. The campaign was successful under the flag bearing the Holy Name of Jesus and the example of this old man (70 was OLD at that time!), who is now the patron of those who work in the judicial system and of military chaplains.  Americans associate him with the California mission, San Juan de Capistrano, made famous by the return of the swallows every March 19th and the song, When the Swallows Return to Capistrano.  May we never underestimate the power of God that opens the door to unlimited accomplishments.
Bro. Rene

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