Tuesday, April 15, 2014

False Self-Image

As the Last Supper proceeded and Jesus spoke of a traitor,  Peter vehemently affirmed that he would never betray or deny knowing Jesus, even if it meant death. and the rest of the Eleven said the same thing.  (Mt 33-35). Jesus rightly predicted that before the cock crowed, Peter would have denied him three times.  What an awakening call that cock made at dawn, one that shook Peter to his bones and led to enormous guilt, pain, and desire for forgiveness.

How often do all of us think of ourselves as "on the right track", only to be reminded of how badly we have strayed into insensitivity, or even outright hostile behavior toward others.  Denial seems to be part of our "fallen nature", and on this 102nd anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, I can't help thinking of the over-confidence of the architect, Thomas Andrews and the owners of the White Star Line, who proclaimed her "unsinkable".  Those words came around to strike them in the face on this invulnerable ship's maiden voyage.

It would be helpful to pause today, this week, to look into our hearts to find the Peter or the Thomas Andrews in us, who protest that we will never deny Jesus, or that we are "unsinkable", lest the cock crow and reveal who we really are.  And if it does crow, so much the better, may we, like Peter, seek full forgiveness.
Bro. Rene

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